Passion, the one thing needed if you wish to have any measure of success. What is talent without passion driving it on? So screw the people who are half hearted. Acting like a prima donna, coming only for the games and totally neglecting the fucking fact that without training, without the understanding, the game of soccer cannot be played. The world's top soccer stars can gather for a game but they will be no match for a TEAM. Individual skills can only get you so far in a game meant for 11 people. I've had enough of this shit. Organising all this shit every time is a waste of my SMS and a fucking waste of my time. People who don't even bother to fucking reply a simple fucking YES or NO but leave it hanging in the air. I'm no sucker, i'm not going to do all the dirty work just for you jackasses to make it dirtier and harder for me.
Its time for a new start, hopefully a new team with the Gooners Fc. There's nothing better than to know that I'm playing for a team representing the football club which I support. It just gives me that extra edge to put in that extra 10 or 20 percent when I play and even when my lungs are bursting and my legs are hurting, I just go on till finally, the restraints of the human body catches up. Still, its fucking cool to be able to play a game with a organised team, a team which shares the same passion for both the game and the club. There's going to be another game with them this Sunday, I just can't wait for it and I'm going to train myself up for it.
I think I'm a bit hot headed these days. Where I used to merely smile and get on with life when things did not go my way, I now face it head on and let my anger get the best of me. I'm losing my patience. With a lot of things. I'm just waiting, waiting for the right time to finally unleash all the pent-up fury in me on some poor unsuspecting fool who crosses me. Actually I have no idea why I'm like this nowadays, I guess the line has been crossed, where my patience has just run out. I'm trying my best to control, to keep my cool and sanity so that it won't get me into any sort of trouble. Ahh...whatever man.
School has started. What do I feel about it? Nothing actually. I'll just treat it like its TEP all over again and won't give much thought about it.
Well thats about all.