Wednesday, August 29, 2007

During IPP.......

This keeps me awake

This keeps me fresh

This keeps me focused

Right.........the 3 things I more or less need during those dreary hours in the office. Coffee, sweets and music.

Anyway I tried taking this bus to work today........

Bus 961

Its a direct bus from Woodlands to right outside my workplace. Sounded tempting so I decided to take it to work. Bad mistake. Really REALLY bad mistake. Its the worst bus ride in my entire life I kid you not. The bus is slow moving, there's a lot of stops, where every stop there are definitely passengers alighting or boarding which means its a lot of stop start movement. Not to mention the sheer numbers of traffic lights it has to stop at along the way. The whole journey took 1hour 45 minutes.

Thus I was late for work, with an extremely sore ass, feeling restless and feeling cramped up. I swear I'll never attempt that bus ride ever again. I'd much rather walk backwards from city hall to kallang place while reciting the Singapore pledge over and over again than go through that whole experience again. Hell, I think I'll still reach my work place if I do that before the 961 bus does.

Oh well, its a lesson well and truly learnt.......

A random picture.......

What a name for a stall eh? Black Man Cafe. The translation to Chinese words is direct which makes it sound extremely retarded overall.

Oh well, people do have weird ideas. Like my idea to take that 961 bus to work. Anway off to bed now so ciao