Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I don't usually have 2 blog posts out within hours of each other. However, I just have to post this link up. Why? Cause I find it kick ass. Watch it even if you're not a fan of rock songs or recognize the tune, just watch it cause its talent.
I would have embedded this video here but they don't allow it. Go check it out.
Its fukin' mint. Guitar Talent. At such a young age too. Playing "Stairway to heaven" by led zepplin, the link I posted you was the part with the guitar solo(there are parts 1 and 2 too, check them out but I personally like part 3 best). Sure there are several mistakes here and there but it damn well comes close to the original version. Not many people his age can play so well. He looks about 7-8 years old? Maybe even younger. Although then again, he might be a child-like looking botoxed midget who is actually 53 years old who lives with his cat loving aunty. Highly doubt that though.
Seen it yet?
Freakin' awesome eh......When I was his age and you gave me a guitar with 4 strings which are programmed to play a "Mary had a little lamb" no matter which strings were played, I'll still mess it up and probably break the strings in the process. Don't mock me. You would too. Seriously though, as long as he keeps on practicing songs like that and doesn't switch to poppy songs he'll make it big one day.
Man, if only I didn't listen to backstreet boys when I was young...........
I would have embedded this video here but they don't allow it. Go check it out.
Its fukin' mint. Guitar Talent. At such a young age too. Playing "Stairway to heaven" by led zepplin, the link I posted you was the part with the guitar solo(there are parts 1 and 2 too, check them out but I personally like part 3 best). Sure there are several mistakes here and there but it damn well comes close to the original version. Not many people his age can play so well. He looks about 7-8 years old? Maybe even younger. Although then again, he might be a child-like looking botoxed midget who is actually 53 years old who lives with his cat loving aunty. Highly doubt that though.
Seen it yet?
Freakin' awesome eh......When I was his age and you gave me a guitar with 4 strings which are programmed to play a "Mary had a little lamb" no matter which strings were played, I'll still mess it up and probably break the strings in the process. Don't mock me. You would too. Seriously though, as long as he keeps on practicing songs like that and doesn't switch to poppy songs he'll make it big one day.
Man, if only I didn't listen to backstreet boys when I was young...........
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I am the eggman
We are the eggmen
I am the Walrus!
goo goo g'joob
Blogging here from the office now. Kinda risky, cause I've just been relocated in the office! Yup, some new bigshot is coming into the company so Chun Hong and myself had to move to the general office, where we do get our own desk. Nothing however, beats having your very own room in the office. More privacy to, you know, do things like what I'm doing now.
But as I look around now, all I see is myself. Nobody within a 10 metres radius around me. And with no clear instructions on what to do now, I'm just sitting here and reading funny editorials on the internet and having to stifle my laughter at times when I read something funny. Reason why I can do all this is cause I was relocated to some little corner of the office where the coming and goings are at a minimum. Chun Hong however, is sitting right in front of our "supervisor". Though she ain't our boss but she's a full timer and she is still way above us so he can't do much shit now can he?
Yesterday I spent the 2nd half of the day at Singapore Discovery Centre, a much poorer version of the Science Centre. Note though, that only myself had to go while Chun Hong had to stay in the office. While that by itself is quite shite for Chun Hong, wait till he knows of the next part. I was released at 4pm, and my boss told me to take cab home and claim from the company........ cause that's company policy.
Somewhere up there, God must have decided to finally reward me for leaving the last cookie in the jar to that nice girl when I was in kindergarten.
Was fukin' happy on the way home, couldn't stop grinning. It's not everyday I get to go home so early, and in a cab at that. Yes, you might argue such trivial matters hardly warrants such joy. Its not as if my kitten suddenly started excreting gold from her way-too-prominent-to-be-true asshole, or as if Arsenal won the Quadruple, or if I heard what I wanted to hear from someone.
But I quote the lyrics from an Oasis Song Its good to be free, "The little things that make me so happy, all I want to do is live by the sea". Simple things like this can really cheer me up immensely. Really, I think the cab driver must have been slightly freaked out. Cause people have commented I don't smile. I only smirk. And me smirking all the way from Jurong to Woodlands could not have been a pleasant feeling for that nice old Malay taxi driver.
Probably thought I was about to rob him or something. Maybe direct him to some place where 6 gay gym men would rape him. Or tie him up and force him to listen to the song Umbrella from Rihana over and over again.
Maybe I shouldn't kid about things like this. It might just give you and me nightmares and cause some to go into severe depression just thinking about it. And we haven't even taken into account the gay gym men nor the robbery.......
Right then I'm off to lunch now.
Btw the 2nd previous post may not neccessarily be about me you know. Its meant to be generally speaking so don't take it too literally.
Enjoy your work people!
I'll take my car and I drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
We are the eggmen
I am the Walrus!
goo goo g'joob
Blogging here from the office now. Kinda risky, cause I've just been relocated in the office! Yup, some new bigshot is coming into the company so Chun Hong and myself had to move to the general office, where we do get our own desk. Nothing however, beats having your very own room in the office. More privacy to, you know, do things like what I'm doing now.
But as I look around now, all I see is myself. Nobody within a 10 metres radius around me. And with no clear instructions on what to do now, I'm just sitting here and reading funny editorials on the internet and having to stifle my laughter at times when I read something funny. Reason why I can do all this is cause I was relocated to some little corner of the office where the coming and goings are at a minimum. Chun Hong however, is sitting right in front of our "supervisor". Though she ain't our boss but she's a full timer and she is still way above us so he can't do much shit now can he?
Yesterday I spent the 2nd half of the day at Singapore Discovery Centre, a much poorer version of the Science Centre. Note though, that only myself had to go while Chun Hong had to stay in the office. While that by itself is quite shite for Chun Hong, wait till he knows of the next part. I was released at 4pm, and my boss told me to take cab home and claim from the company........ cause that's company policy.
Somewhere up there, God must have decided to finally reward me for leaving the last cookie in the jar to that nice girl when I was in kindergarten.
Was fukin' happy on the way home, couldn't stop grinning. It's not everyday I get to go home so early, and in a cab at that. Yes, you might argue such trivial matters hardly warrants such joy. Its not as if my kitten suddenly started excreting gold from her way-too-prominent-to-be-true asshole, or as if Arsenal won the Quadruple, or if I heard what I wanted to hear from someone.
But I quote the lyrics from an Oasis Song Its good to be free, "The little things that make me so happy, all I want to do is live by the sea". Simple things like this can really cheer me up immensely. Really, I think the cab driver must have been slightly freaked out. Cause people have commented I don't smile. I only smirk. And me smirking all the way from Jurong to Woodlands could not have been a pleasant feeling for that nice old Malay taxi driver.
Probably thought I was about to rob him or something. Maybe direct him to some place where 6 gay gym men would rape him. Or tie him up and force him to listen to the song Umbrella from Rihana over and over again.
Maybe I shouldn't kid about things like this. It might just give you and me nightmares and cause some to go into severe depression just thinking about it. And we haven't even taken into account the gay gym men nor the robbery.......
Right then I'm off to lunch now.
Btw the 2nd previous post may not neccessarily be about me you know. Its meant to be generally speaking so don't take it too literally.
Enjoy your work people!
I'll take my car and I drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Had a nice specs, no contacts, its night so my vision is blurred. Almost met with an accident. Almost. Fukin car speeding to shit knows where, going against the red light and giving me a nasty shock in the process. Jog was calming though. When I have too much in my mind I tend to exercise/jog extensively to release all my frustration.
Hello, hello
Said its good to be back, its good to be back........
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sat was my Grandma's birthday. Nobody in our immediate family missed it. With Grandma's deteriorating health, we all must be prepared for any eventuality. Nope, I'm not cursing her and there's no need to touch wood. But fact of the matter is, cancer, coupled with old age and a few other sicknesses which comes with old age, leaves us having to face up to the reality that she may not have much time left in this world. It was mighty fine for Grandma, I'm sure, to see all who was important to her(which number around 30+) in one room celebrating her birthday. From her kids, to her grandkids to her great grandkids, all of us were there, and my dad said she appeared close to tears at one point.
Heh, interesting thing to note though, when I first came she didn't recognize me..........this despite the fact that I just visited her a week before. Either her memory is getting worse or I'm getting better fukin looking than I already am as the days go by. Personally, I think its pretty much a case of the latter.
Sunday was a hot day. Yup, a very very hot the afternoon that is. The morning was kinda rainy and wet. It was like the sun overslept for work, went "shit I'm gonna get fired by god for this" so decided to work doubly hard during the afternoon to make up for the lost time in the morning.
Not very good for me now, cause I had a soccer match that afternoon. My fitness level, is at a all time low. I don't work out, I don't jog, I don't play as much soccer as I used to and I eat heavily cause really, that's one of the few things that can get you outta the depressing mood of TEP. Compound that with a filling dinner the previous night along with sleeping late and I effectively had the fitness of a hibernating bear. Didn't have a good game individually, we lost the game 3-1, a kinda respectable scoreline seeing as how we had several decent chances to score. Oh, and I forgot to mention this is my dad's team, with lots of old men and a few young ones like myself to do the running. Played at the Singapore Sports School (home of NK during the weekdays) where the turf was some sort of astro turf or something. Not used to that turf though, good as it might sound. Oh well, we put up a reasonably decent account of ourselves and that's what matters.
Wait a minute......nope it doesn't. Only the final score counts. That's the only thing that matters, be it in soccer or anything else.........or is it?
I can't wait for this week to end. Not only will it signal another week of IPP gone but it'll also mean its PAYDAY!!!! Yes, finally, after 2 hellish months of overspending on things which now looking back on really had no point and having to scrimp, save and skip a meal per day in order to, well, get at least 1 decent meal. Part of my stress/depression/emo or whatever you people want to call it is due partially to this shit called finance. Is it not a worrying to see the cash in your wallet and bank account slowly dwindle, and having to borrow cash from my dad, something which I really hate to do. Not that it has got anything to with my dad, its just that I generally hate borrowing money. Hah, and to think I thought these days were over. Really though, I'll have to start asking poon to kick me in the guts everytime I spend on pointless things.
Alright, almost done with this post.
In general, it kinda sucks bad to be chasing someone who
a)has no interest in you AT ALL and views you as at best, a friend
b)has an interest in another guy who is evidently chasing her too.
One is bad enough(I can testify to that), but when its both, then it opens up a whole new level of shit. Shit bad enough to make you want to smoke pot under a bridge all day while begging for loose change from looser women so that you can buy more pot to smoke. The poor bloke loses confidence, gets snappy at little things and is generally a bulltwat to society.
Can't blame that bloke though. He might have thought "hey, I might actually have a chance here now innit? We kinda click well together, there's plenty to talk about to each other so there's no reason why it can't work now. D'you knowhat I mean? " Then when reality decided to pay the bloke a cheery visit while singing "hello, hello, I say its good to be back", those thoughts and dreams comes crashing down. That poor guy will generally start feeling like turd which even pigs won't go near and his face will turn a boogerish kind of yellow and he'll start to want to smoke pot and etc (see above). Not the best feeling in the world you might agree.
Ok I tried my best to not make the last few parts sound so serious.
If it still sounds very serious though, you can probably attribute it to my craving to smoke a hell lot of pot right now.
I know you know.......
G'night all \/
You look so tired
Rest well girl
Heh, interesting thing to note though, when I first came she didn't recognize me..........this despite the fact that I just visited her a week before. Either her memory is getting worse or I'm getting better fukin looking than I already am as the days go by. Personally, I think its pretty much a case of the latter.
Sunday was a hot day. Yup, a very very hot the afternoon that is. The morning was kinda rainy and wet. It was like the sun overslept for work, went "shit I'm gonna get fired by god for this" so decided to work doubly hard during the afternoon to make up for the lost time in the morning.
Not very good for me now, cause I had a soccer match that afternoon. My fitness level, is at a all time low. I don't work out, I don't jog, I don't play as much soccer as I used to and I eat heavily cause really, that's one of the few things that can get you outta the depressing mood of TEP. Compound that with a filling dinner the previous night along with sleeping late and I effectively had the fitness of a hibernating bear. Didn't have a good game individually, we lost the game 3-1, a kinda respectable scoreline seeing as how we had several decent chances to score. Oh, and I forgot to mention this is my dad's team, with lots of old men and a few young ones like myself to do the running. Played at the Singapore Sports School (home of NK during the weekdays) where the turf was some sort of astro turf or something. Not used to that turf though, good as it might sound. Oh well, we put up a reasonably decent account of ourselves and that's what matters.
Wait a minute......nope it doesn't. Only the final score counts. That's the only thing that matters, be it in soccer or anything else.........or is it?
I can't wait for this week to end. Not only will it signal another week of IPP gone but it'll also mean its PAYDAY!!!! Yes, finally, after 2 hellish months of overspending on things which now looking back on really had no point and having to scrimp, save and skip a meal per day in order to, well, get at least 1 decent meal. Part of my stress/depression/emo or whatever you people want to call it is due partially to this shit called finance. Is it not a worrying to see the cash in your wallet and bank account slowly dwindle, and having to borrow cash from my dad, something which I really hate to do. Not that it has got anything to with my dad, its just that I generally hate borrowing money. Hah, and to think I thought these days were over. Really though, I'll have to start asking poon to kick me in the guts everytime I spend on pointless things.
Alright, almost done with this post.
In general, it kinda sucks bad to be chasing someone who
a)has no interest in you AT ALL and views you as at best, a friend
b)has an interest in another guy who is evidently chasing her too.
One is bad enough(I can testify to that), but when its both, then it opens up a whole new level of shit. Shit bad enough to make you want to smoke pot under a bridge all day while begging for loose change from looser women so that you can buy more pot to smoke. The poor bloke loses confidence, gets snappy at little things and is generally a bulltwat to society.
Can't blame that bloke though. He might have thought "hey, I might actually have a chance here now innit? We kinda click well together, there's plenty to talk about to each other so there's no reason why it can't work now. D'you knowhat I mean? " Then when reality decided to pay the bloke a cheery visit while singing "hello, hello, I say its good to be back", those thoughts and dreams comes crashing down. That poor guy will generally start feeling like turd which even pigs won't go near and his face will turn a boogerish kind of yellow and he'll start to want to smoke pot and etc (see above). Not the best feeling in the world you might agree.
Ok I tried my best to not make the last few parts sound so serious.
If it still sounds very serious though, you can probably attribute it to my craving to smoke a hell lot of pot right now.
I know you know.......
G'night all \/
You look so tired
Rest well girl
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Think I woke up on the wrong side of bed yesterday.
Since IPP started I have not felt so down as I did yesterday. Perhaps it was the after effects of a sad Monday (take care Ben).
Or maybe it is just IPP. I cannot stand sitting and just looking at a computer screen for an entire day. There’s just nothing to look forward to when I wake up. You know what I mean?
I don’t bother about any shit anymore. Overall everything just makes me feel damn down. I really haven’t felt like this for a very long time.
The internet and intranet server was down in the workplace for some reason or other. I just stared into space daydreaming with really nothing to do for a good whole 10minutes. Then out of pure randomness I decided to write lyrics to a tune from Hammerfall.
Here it is:
On this journey I lie awake
Hoping that along she’ll come
Few sacrifices which I won’t make
For her to be my only one
On this journey I lay in the night
Living in the silence so still
No words ever seem so right
To describe just what I feel
Yesterday could just be any day
I looked up into the velvet sky
Wondering bout the things to say
Don't know how but I do know why
What's so wrong she couldn't stay
She looked at me and walked away....
Kill the sunlight
The break of dawn
Some say we might
Some say its gone
Its time to stop
On this journey I am lost
I fell right from the top
Its what hurts the most
The crossroads are so very near
Now comes the time to part
Shes goes far but I stay here
Still hoping for the beat of her heart
Yes, you can call it very amateurish. Kind of did it in 10 minutes. It was just out from the top of my head, without much thought put into it. It was written based on what I felt like writing, and whatever I felt at that time I’d just add it in. How much you want to read into it, it is really up to you.
This was the highest point of my day………writing lyrics to a tune. Yep, it really is. Kinda sad if you think about it huh?
Alright that’s all. I’m blogging this during work cause a)there’s nothing better to do b)I’m bored and c) I don’t give a shit if they catch me watching Youtube or blogging anymore.
K I’m off for lunch. All you others have a nice day at work. Seriously. I wish you all to have a nice work day.
Hope things will get better for you at work
Hope things will get better for me at work
All we can do is just smile and bear with things....
Since IPP started I have not felt so down as I did yesterday. Perhaps it was the after effects of a sad Monday (take care Ben).
Or maybe it is just IPP. I cannot stand sitting and just looking at a computer screen for an entire day. There’s just nothing to look forward to when I wake up. You know what I mean?
I don’t bother about any shit anymore. Overall everything just makes me feel damn down. I really haven’t felt like this for a very long time.
The internet and intranet server was down in the workplace for some reason or other. I just stared into space daydreaming with really nothing to do for a good whole 10minutes. Then out of pure randomness I decided to write lyrics to a tune from Hammerfall.
Here it is:
On this journey I lie awake
Hoping that along she’ll come
Few sacrifices which I won’t make
For her to be my only one
On this journey I lay in the night
Living in the silence so still
No words ever seem so right
To describe just what I feel
Yesterday could just be any day
I looked up into the velvet sky
Wondering bout the things to say
Don't know how but I do know why
What's so wrong she couldn't stay
She looked at me and walked away....
Kill the sunlight
The break of dawn
Some say we might
Some say its gone
Its time to stop
On this journey I am lost
I fell right from the top
Its what hurts the most
The crossroads are so very near
Now comes the time to part
Shes goes far but I stay here
Still hoping for the beat of her heart
Yes, you can call it very amateurish. Kind of did it in 10 minutes. It was just out from the top of my head, without much thought put into it. It was written based on what I felt like writing, and whatever I felt at that time I’d just add it in. How much you want to read into it, it is really up to you.
This was the highest point of my day………writing lyrics to a tune. Yep, it really is. Kinda sad if you think about it huh?
Alright that’s all. I’m blogging this during work cause a)there’s nothing better to do b)I’m bored and c) I don’t give a shit if they catch me watching Youtube or blogging anymore.
K I’m off for lunch. All you others have a nice day at work. Seriously. I wish you all to have a nice work day.
Hope things will get better for you at work
Hope things will get better for me at work
All we can do is just smile and bear with things....
Sunday, September 16, 2007
So what can I say when I've just witnessed a classic North London derby between Arsenal and Sp*rs. Nothing much, except HAHAHAHAHA you sp*rs cunts can go stick your arses cause Arsenal just taught you a lesson in football.
Well then, got that out of my system, the adrenaline rush too much for me to contain too long. Such a waste the match wasn't showed live in the Arsenal club(screw starhub), cause I can imagine the electrifying atmosphere would have been kick ass. Especially when sp*rs is our arch of arch rivals, it just would have been much much much nicer to have celebrated with all the Gooners rather than just cheering and shouting like a maniac alone, with my dad looking sourly on since liverpool only managed a draw. I hope Edumund Ho Teng Sung doesn't jump up and down in frustration.....we don't need more tremors in Singapore.
Right then, I'm not going to talk much about IPP, cause you know, its the same old thing we are doing. Though we did get to go down to the Science Centre and walk around looking at all the exhibits. The rest of the time was spent in the office, doing some compilation while watching youtube and constantly looking over our backs to make sure nobody spots us. Well 3 weeks gone, 8 more to go. Log book is probably a nice warm habitat for some colorful spider spinning a web who's thinking this is the perfect spot to live and procreate.
Finally caught the Ratatouille movie on Friday. The movie was nice, don't think it warranted the 5 stars most people give it though. Maybe 4 stars? Hahaha, yea, but company was great, and it was a enjoyable friday overall =D. Very tiring though, to go out after IPP, slept immediately once my head touched my pillow.....never slept so soundly for some time now.
Chow Ee has gone to England already apparently. Gonna use some vulgarities here cause I think it kinda warrants it. Well, anyway that f*cking pint sized twat of a cunt told everybody he was going off to England in Oct. Then just this week I found out he was already in England. WTF? He doesn't know which month comes first? Worst of all he didn't even tell me nor anyone he was going off, just left like that to England for 4 years and I found it out through Kai Boon and Kai Yun! Wtf? F*cking bulltwat. Simon Matthews made a good point when he once said Chow Ee should be hung upside down from a fan and whipped. Yes. A very good idea indeed. Kudos to you Simon Matthews, we've misjudged your a** face, you knew what you were talking about all along. We were actually planning to have some kind of sending off dinner for him but now he just left without a word. Some kind of friend that veneral disease ridden arsewipe chow ee is huh........
One of these days I'm gonna cough up enough green spit, use it to stick you to a white plank and hang you upside down over shark infested waters while getting some old ladies with rolling pins to whack the shit outta you.
Anyway, its time to work out. My life during IPP in a nutshell goes something like this: Wake up, sit down, eat, sit down, eat, sleep and repeat. Not a very healthy lifestyle now issit? What with NAPFA coming up too. That is why I plan to work out at the kallang stadium with poon-deh and paul these coming weeks after work.
Time to sleep then.....
I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes
I hope that I can say
The things I wish I'd said
To sing my soul to sleep
And take me back to bed
You want to be alone
When we could be alive instead
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
What's sleepin' in our soul
There are many things
That I would like to know
And there are many places
That I wish to go
But everything's depending
On the way the wind may blow
I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes
Chorus x2
A nice song, I don't like the video for this song so I'll just post the lyrics up. Try to listen to it if you can.
There are somethings I'm confused about. I'm not quite sure where things will go from here, or how it SHOULD go. I'm really not sure. What path should I take and what choices do I make. On the one hand I am admittedly, afraid of hitting another wall repeatedly like a fool. On the other, I really want to break down the wall.
What am I talking about? Only a few know I think......
Well then, got that out of my system, the adrenaline rush too much for me to contain too long. Such a waste the match wasn't showed live in the Arsenal club(screw starhub), cause I can imagine the electrifying atmosphere would have been kick ass. Especially when sp*rs is our arch of arch rivals, it just would have been much much much nicer to have celebrated with all the Gooners rather than just cheering and shouting like a maniac alone, with my dad looking sourly on since liverpool only managed a draw. I hope Edumund Ho Teng Sung doesn't jump up and down in frustration.....we don't need more tremors in Singapore.
Right then, I'm not going to talk much about IPP, cause you know, its the same old thing we are doing. Though we did get to go down to the Science Centre and walk around looking at all the exhibits. The rest of the time was spent in the office, doing some compilation while watching youtube and constantly looking over our backs to make sure nobody spots us. Well 3 weeks gone, 8 more to go. Log book is probably a nice warm habitat for some colorful spider spinning a web who's thinking this is the perfect spot to live and procreate.
Finally caught the Ratatouille movie on Friday. The movie was nice, don't think it warranted the 5 stars most people give it though. Maybe 4 stars? Hahaha, yea, but company was great, and it was a enjoyable friday overall =D. Very tiring though, to go out after IPP, slept immediately once my head touched my pillow.....never slept so soundly for some time now.
Chow Ee has gone to England already apparently. Gonna use some vulgarities here cause I think it kinda warrants it. Well, anyway that f*cking pint sized twat of a cunt told everybody he was going off to England in Oct. Then just this week I found out he was already in England. WTF? He doesn't know which month comes first? Worst of all he didn't even tell me nor anyone he was going off, just left like that to England for 4 years and I found it out through Kai Boon and Kai Yun! Wtf? F*cking bulltwat. Simon Matthews made a good point when he once said Chow Ee should be hung upside down from a fan and whipped. Yes. A very good idea indeed. Kudos to you Simon Matthews, we've misjudged your a** face, you knew what you were talking about all along. We were actually planning to have some kind of sending off dinner for him but now he just left without a word. Some kind of friend that veneral disease ridden arsewipe chow ee is huh........
One of these days I'm gonna cough up enough green spit, use it to stick you to a white plank and hang you upside down over shark infested waters while getting some old ladies with rolling pins to whack the shit outta you.
Anyway, its time to work out. My life during IPP in a nutshell goes something like this: Wake up, sit down, eat, sit down, eat, sleep and repeat. Not a very healthy lifestyle now issit? What with NAPFA coming up too. That is why I plan to work out at the kallang stadium with poon-deh and paul these coming weeks after work.
Time to sleep then.....
I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes
I hope that I can say
The things I wish I'd said
To sing my soul to sleep
And take me back to bed
You want to be alone
When we could be alive instead
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
What's sleepin' in our soul
There are many things
That I would like to know
And there are many places
That I wish to go
But everything's depending
On the way the wind may blow
I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes
Chorus x2
A nice song, I don't like the video for this song so I'll just post the lyrics up. Try to listen to it if you can.
There are somethings I'm confused about. I'm not quite sure where things will go from here, or how it SHOULD go. I'm really not sure. What path should I take and what choices do I make. On the one hand I am admittedly, afraid of hitting another wall repeatedly like a fool. On the other, I really want to break down the wall.
What am I talking about? Only a few know I think......
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Got my results back already.........
The less said the better
Just another lump of average results
Cs and Bs
Wan Yi, I really fukin adore you la my friend. Really thanks a lot, questions I had and answers you gave. Words can't express how much I appreciate it.
Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. See, I'm going slightly bonkers here. I'm a happy guy now. Its like a weight has been lifted off. Something which has always stayed in the back of my mind can finally be cleared. Wow. The feeling is great. Though ya, one might see it as "wtf?!?" if you should ever know(though you'll never know!) what the whole thing is about but you won't understand my feelings.
I feel so enlightened
The less said the better
Just another lump of average results
Cs and Bs
Wan Yi, I really fukin adore you la my friend. Really thanks a lot, questions I had and answers you gave. Words can't express how much I appreciate it.
Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. See, I'm going slightly bonkers here. I'm a happy guy now. Its like a weight has been lifted off. Something which has always stayed in the back of my mind can finally be cleared. Wow. The feeling is great. Though ya, one might see it as "wtf?!?" if you should ever know(though you'll never know!) what the whole thing is about but you won't understand my feelings.
I feel so enlightened
Sunday, September 9, 2007
This week was a tough week.
Yep, IPP work was really mundane and boring. Proof reading Malay and Japanese words by comparing them with the correct content can really suck the energy out of your life somehow. Sitting there like a stone, waiting for the clock to tick down, staring at the computer screen and at words words words. Words I don't even understand. Words which if tilted at a certain angle and with some imagination can look like Chewbacca's left butt cheek.
I'm so bloody bored aren't I........
I complain so much about working but instead of resting during the weekends, I worked part time at this event called "Shape Run 07", a 5km/10km running marathon only for women. Worked there with Poon, Paul, Lex, Jen, Pin Pin and OH Jek Yew. First day was 11am-9pm, basically just giving out the runner's number tag and Nike shirts to the people who have registered. Apparently there were over 6000 registrants so we were not short on work to do. It was simple work actually, kinda like customer service which I did at Causeway point the other time.
The ass wrenching part was when we ran out of XL and L sizes and eventually M sizes for the Nike Shirt. Nike decided to order via estimates from last year's run instead of getting the confirmation of sizes from the participants. As a result, they ordered a lot of S size shirts as well as M. Unfortunately, most of the participants belong to the XXL category(and some even XXXL category). So yup, a lot of people were kicking up a fuss about not getting their size etc. It was interesting in a way, you get to see many different customer reactions. We all had different ways of handling the problem. Paul used his Sorry sorry sorry tatic, Lex used tatics to shock the customers("you thought ah!?") while Jen just crouched down behind the counter whenever a bigger sized customer customer was next in line, so that they would go to the next counter person.
2nd day was just plain busy and tiring, giving out of the goodie bags. The queue just never ceased and by the time it finally did end, all our arms were aching and we were just as sweaty as the marathon runners. Worst part was we had to report at Marina Square at 7am but all of us went back home late the previous night, each for their own reasons. Me, I went to meet Hazwan at his workplace(Tiet Jamming Studio) at Outram to get my guitar which he very kindly helped me restring(a string broke) and partially tune. With the Jamming Studio more or less to ourselves we fiddled around with the equipments, basically the drums and the electric guitar. Eventually got home at around 2+. Anyway cause of the lack of sleep and the work, I was completely knocked out once my head touched my pillow today. Its been a long time since I slept that well.......
But hey, the pay's good. $80 bucks per day, working with friends and with exotic Jillian for eye candy to distract me from the mainly male population at the counter so its all good........ hahaha.....
I really needed the money though. My finances have been in the red since August so this can really tide me over till at least the end of the month when I get my pay. Though sometimes I spend it too freely huh.....but somethings are just worth spending on........I hope.....
Alrite then, thats all for now, IPP again tomorrow, I hope to be able to watch Ratatouille this week. Wonder if its possible? Haha, will have to check again, but definitely looking forward to that =D
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile shine on
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cause all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day....
Yep, IPP work was really mundane and boring. Proof reading Malay and Japanese words by comparing them with the correct content can really suck the energy out of your life somehow. Sitting there like a stone, waiting for the clock to tick down, staring at the computer screen and at words words words. Words I don't even understand. Words which if tilted at a certain angle and with some imagination can look like Chewbacca's left butt cheek.
I'm so bloody bored aren't I........
I complain so much about working but instead of resting during the weekends, I worked part time at this event called "Shape Run 07", a 5km/10km running marathon only for women. Worked there with Poon, Paul, Lex, Jen, Pin Pin and OH Jek Yew. First day was 11am-9pm, basically just giving out the runner's number tag and Nike shirts to the people who have registered. Apparently there were over 6000 registrants so we were not short on work to do. It was simple work actually, kinda like customer service which I did at Causeway point the other time.
The ass wrenching part was when we ran out of XL and L sizes and eventually M sizes for the Nike Shirt. Nike decided to order via estimates from last year's run instead of getting the confirmation of sizes from the participants. As a result, they ordered a lot of S size shirts as well as M. Unfortunately, most of the participants belong to the XXL category(and some even XXXL category). So yup, a lot of people were kicking up a fuss about not getting their size etc. It was interesting in a way, you get to see many different customer reactions. We all had different ways of handling the problem. Paul used his Sorry sorry sorry tatic, Lex used tatics to shock the customers("you thought ah!?") while Jen just crouched down behind the counter whenever a bigger sized customer customer was next in line, so that they would go to the next counter person.
2nd day was just plain busy and tiring, giving out of the goodie bags. The queue just never ceased and by the time it finally did end, all our arms were aching and we were just as sweaty as the marathon runners. Worst part was we had to report at Marina Square at 7am but all of us went back home late the previous night, each for their own reasons. Me, I went to meet Hazwan at his workplace(Tiet Jamming Studio) at Outram to get my guitar which he very kindly helped me restring(a string broke) and partially tune. With the Jamming Studio more or less to ourselves we fiddled around with the equipments, basically the drums and the electric guitar. Eventually got home at around 2+. Anyway cause of the lack of sleep and the work, I was completely knocked out once my head touched my pillow today. Its been a long time since I slept that well.......
But hey, the pay's good. $80 bucks per day, working with friends and with exotic Jillian for eye candy to distract me from the mainly male population at the counter so its all good........ hahaha.....
I really needed the money though. My finances have been in the red since August so this can really tide me over till at least the end of the month when I get my pay. Though sometimes I spend it too freely huh.....but somethings are just worth spending on........I hope.....
Alrite then, thats all for now, IPP again tomorrow, I hope to be able to watch Ratatouille this week. Wonder if its possible? Haha, will have to check again, but definitely looking forward to that =D
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile shine on
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cause all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day....
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Right, eventful day it was. First off, went to meet Hazwan and Ahmad to play badminton. Unfortunately by the time we started the sun was too freaking hot and we barely played a few rounds before feeling exhausted. But still we continued, but we finally stopped when this happened.
Yep, Ahmad first complained that the racquet was moving by itself but we thought nothing of it but during one rather hard smack the whole racquet flew, right across hazwan's face, just missing him and his double chin by a whisker. Hahaha, after which Hazwan had to go take a smoke to calm his nerves. Imagine a racquet flying at you at that speed. Kinda scary huh.
But anyway the main topic here is..............
This kitten. Yep, its a stray, not that nice looking kitten but its freaking small and active. I first saw some kids mishandling the kitten while "lepak-ing" at Ahmad's house after badmintion. Apparently those boys left the kitten at the dustbin so I decided to bring it to the pet shop near ahmad's house to see if they could take care of it or something. I mean, its so small, you can carry it around with one hand, the mum's nowhere to be found and other kids or some cruel person might find it and torture it or something. I don't know, some people sadistic and kids are just immature in thought to realise that what they do might hurt the animal.
Unfortunately, the Pet Shop lady said there was no space in her shop. There, a girl who saw the cat told us that a family kept the kitten for a few weeks but got tired of it so they decided to get rid of it. Apparently by leaving it at the dustbin. No sense of responsibility whatseover those fucking bastards.
Left with no choice since Ahmad's mum doesn't let him keep a cat, I had to try and sell the kitten's story to my parents and hope that they won't mind keeping it for awhile till we find a better home for it or maybe to keep it permanently.
And yep, I succeeded. So now.........
I have a CAT!
Or a kitten rather......=)
Hahaha, alright then, thats all for now.
Update some other time......
And 1 week of IPP is gone. 10 more weeks.
Happy Working everyone!
Yep, Ahmad first complained that the racquet was moving by itself but we thought nothing of it but during one rather hard smack the whole racquet flew, right across hazwan's face, just missing him and his double chin by a whisker. Hahaha, after which Hazwan had to go take a smoke to calm his nerves. Imagine a racquet flying at you at that speed. Kinda scary huh.
But anyway the main topic here is..............
This kitten. Yep, its a stray, not that nice looking kitten but its freaking small and active. I first saw some kids mishandling the kitten while "lepak-ing" at Ahmad's house after badmintion. Apparently those boys left the kitten at the dustbin so I decided to bring it to the pet shop near ahmad's house to see if they could take care of it or something. I mean, its so small, you can carry it around with one hand, the mum's nowhere to be found and other kids or some cruel person might find it and torture it or something. I don't know, some people sadistic and kids are just immature in thought to realise that what they do might hurt the animal.
Unfortunately, the Pet Shop lady said there was no space in her shop. There, a girl who saw the cat told us that a family kept the kitten for a few weeks but got tired of it so they decided to get rid of it. Apparently by leaving it at the dustbin. No sense of responsibility whatseover those fucking bastards.
Left with no choice since Ahmad's mum doesn't let him keep a cat, I had to try and sell the kitten's story to my parents and hope that they won't mind keeping it for awhile till we find a better home for it or maybe to keep it permanently.
And yep, I succeeded. So now.........
I have a CAT!
Or a kitten rather......=)
Hahaha, alright then, thats all for now.
Update some other time......
And 1 week of IPP is gone. 10 more weeks.
Happy Working everyone!
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