Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am the eggman
We are the eggmen
I am the Walrus!
goo goo g'joob

Blogging here from the office now. Kinda risky, cause I've just been relocated in the office! Yup, some new bigshot is coming into the company so Chun Hong and myself had to move to the general office, where we do get our own desk. Nothing however, beats having your very own room in the office. More privacy to, you know, do things like what I'm doing now.

But as I look around now, all I see is myself. Nobody within a 10 metres radius around me. And with no clear instructions on what to do now, I'm just sitting here and reading funny editorials on the internet and having to stifle my laughter at times when I read something funny. Reason why I can do all this is cause I was relocated to some little corner of the office where the coming and goings are at a minimum. Chun Hong however, is sitting right in front of our "supervisor". Though she ain't our boss but she's a full timer and she is still way above us so he can't do much shit now can he?

Yesterday I spent the 2nd half of the day at Singapore Discovery Centre, a much poorer version of the Science Centre. Note though, that only myself had to go while Chun Hong had to stay in the office. While that by itself is quite shite for Chun Hong, wait till he knows of the next part. I was released at 4pm, and my boss told me to take cab home and claim from the company........ cause that's company policy.

Somewhere up there, God must have decided to finally reward me for leaving the last cookie in the jar to that nice girl when I was in kindergarten.

Was fukin' happy on the way home, couldn't stop grinning. It's not everyday I get to go home so early, and in a cab at that. Yes, you might argue such trivial matters hardly warrants such joy. Its not as if my kitten suddenly started excreting gold from her way-too-prominent-to-be-true asshole, or as if Arsenal won the Quadruple, or if I heard what I wanted to hear from someone.

But I quote the lyrics from an Oasis Song Its good to be free, "The little things that make me so happy, all I want to do is live by the sea". Simple things like this can really cheer me up immensely. Really, I think the cab driver must have been slightly freaked out. Cause people have commented I don't smile. I only smirk. And me smirking all the way from Jurong to Woodlands could not have been a pleasant feeling for that nice old Malay taxi driver.

Probably thought I was about to rob him or something. Maybe direct him to some place where 6 gay gym men would rape him. Or tie him up and force him to listen to the song Umbrella from Rihana over and over again.


Maybe I shouldn't kid about things like this. It might just give you and me nightmares and cause some to go into severe depression just thinking about it. And we haven't even taken into account the gay gym men nor the robbery.......

Right then I'm off to lunch now.

Btw the 2nd previous post may not neccessarily be about me you know. Its meant to be generally speaking so don't take it too literally.

Enjoy your work people!

I'll take my car and I drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star

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