Friday, October 12, 2007

Its another Friday, another week has passed so yay yay hooray la la hola.

I went to the Gym yesterday. The kallang gym run by Singapore Sports Council. I have to say though apparently not very bright, the counter people are very friendly and nice. They are polite, courteous and most accommodating and flexible. The same can't be said for a staff working there. Its the first time after 3 visits that I saw him there, and at first I assumed he was just another gym user like myself. How wrong I was. Let me explain. The whole situation will also show the difference between good and bad service and how it can affect the customers.

Now, the counter people as I've mentioned before are friendly and flexible etc. so they let me in for free since I go to the gym with Poon, who is working at SSC. Which is why I just swaggered into the gym like usual yesterday without paying. Quite suddenly though, while I was walking towards the toilet, that man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Shocking me in the process I might add. Cause at first I mistook that guy for a badly misshapened dumbbell. You would be shocked too if a badly misshapened dumbbell appeared from nowhere and stood beside you. On closer inspection however, I realised it was actually a human man, though I wasn't sure what he wanted.

Ugly dumbbell looking rude cunt: aIkAdMjAsCfUkNlTo
Me: 'scuse me what?
UDLRC: Aarree yeew orso a memmbeurr?
Me: Erm......
Poon: No
UDLRC: Theen yeew go pay
Me: Oh ok
UDLRC: Eh, ______(counter lady's name), he is not member. Make sure he pay.

I was quite pissed off with his bloody rude tone, and he made it seem as if I was just a student who had no money to pay that damned $2:50. But ok, alright, I can live with that. I've gotten used to the fact that cunts are abundant in this wide world. So off I went to pay the $2:50 to the counter lady(whom I must remind again was very friendly). After paying, I went to change and warm up till I was ready to use the gym equipment. But just as I sat down on the seats of one of the machine, I was shocked again, by the appearance of, what I this time percieved to be a oversized wrinkled half-chewed onion. Experience served me well however, and I quickly recognized the half-chewed onion as the same man from just now.

Ugly onion looking rude wanker: Each one must have towel
Me: But I'm sharing the towel with my friend
UOLRW:No sharing of towel
Me:huh? why?
(this has got to be one of the stupdiest rules ever: no sharing of towels? why not? Whats the logic behind making such a rule?)
UOLRW: Gym rule, each one must have personal towels.
Me:Erm....but I don't have a towel
UOLRW: Then go buy from the counter
Me: How much?
UOLRW:one dollar(in a sing-song sacarstic tone)

Wow. The last part really took the cake. I was PISSED. Yes, REALLY REALLY PISSED. But no, thats not the worst part, after I bought the towel from the friendly, polite and smiling counter lady, I saw him talking and joking with other musclemen who did not have their own towel but were using the equipment. Apparently though he saw no need to tell them. So what does that mean?

Is he rude to us cause we're just students working out(for NAPFA) and not some steriod ridden muscle prick working out(cause they have no fucking life and nothing else better to do)? Or does he just have a fetish for musclemen? I do believe however, that the real reason is jealousy. I was just too good looking and just too fucking mint for his gayboyarseface to take. So in an attempt to make himself feel better, he made me pay $1 for a towel. Gosh, that must have made his day.

"YES! Me make hansem guy give $1 to cumpony. I so happy. Me bangs head on dumbbell to celebrate!"

But you know what? Despite feeling disgruntled, angry, pissed, hot under the collar, furious etc. I just could not help but smile at the counter lady on the way out. She was just that nice. You know the feeling when you get so worked up you can't even smile? I was feeling that way at the moment. However, that counter lady gave me such a very sincere warm smile that I just couldn't help but smile back at her. The poisonous thoughts coursing through my mind were suddenly replaced by red roses, blue violets, white lilies and custard puffs.

So you can see the difference between good service and bad service from here. It can make or break your day. If not for that counter lady, I would have left feeling extremely bitter and cranky.

What can we prove from here? That cunts are really abundunt in this world. Luckily though, there are also nice & friendly people out there to make us feel better. So if you ever come across a cunt who makes you unhappy, just find someone friendly to make you happy again.

Don't come to me though. I quite freely admit, I'm a arrogant arsehole.

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